Diana in nature garden with irises

About Diana

Diana is a Usui/Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher and 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher. She is passionate about being a guide for others to reconnect with their inner light and feel at home in their bodies.

In addition to Reiki and yoga, Diana has studied and explored practices of nutrition, gardening, art, mindfulness, cooking, parenting, spirituality and more. She likes to dig in the dirt, get creative in the kitchen, and hike in nature. Her interests have always involved working with her hands and creatively sharing her time, talents, and energy to help others grow.

Diana loves creating a loving home as a wife and mother. She values time spent with family around the dinner table, enjoying home-cooked meals with stories and laughter. Sharing food and time together helps create an atmosphere where her family feels cared for and confident in their authentic selves. Call her old-fashioned; she’ll take it as a compliment.

With yoga and Reiki, Diana has found healing in all aspects of her life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. She believes Reiki and yoga are natural complements as they enhance the energetic healing effects of each practice. She has witnessed the powerful impact of Reiki energy in her life and truly enjoys sharing it with others.

Trainings & Certifications

  • Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master • International Center for Reiki Training

  • Professional Member of the RMA

  • Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master • International Center for Reiki Training

  • Animal Reiki Level 1&2 • International Center for Reiki Training

  • Reiki Level 1&2 • International Center for Reiki Training

  • Reiki Level 1 • Dr. Aveen Banich

  • Trauma-Informed Resilience-Focused Yoga Certification • Brilliance

  • RYT200 • The Yoga Room - Yoga Alliance

Reiki Membership Association Professional Member Logo
Registered Yoga Teacher Yoga Alliance
hearth with cozy fire

About Hearth

Hearth /härTH/

noun • origin: West Germanic Old English

  1. the floor or area in front of a fireplace

  2. symbol of one’s home

verb • origin: Diana, creator of Hearth

  1. to make cozy, inviting, warm

  2. create a home-like atmosphere

Traditionally, the hearth is a symbol of home: warmth, safety, and comfort. For Diana, Hearth is also a verb: to hearth is to create the essence of home through sensory experience, holding space, sharing nourishing meals, and cultivating gratitude, joy, and love.

Diana uses the tools of Reiki, yoga, meditation, and more to help you feel at home in your body. She also uses Reiki to create energy shifts in physical spaces to create that hearth feeling for homes and business.

The hearth is a symbol of days gone by, when the connection to nature’s rhythm deeply informed our actions and ways of life. Diana aims to reconnect to that rhythm and the wisdom of the earth through healing modalities.