Home Energy Refresh

Think of a place where you feel completely at ease, where you instantly feel welcome and like you can be your true self. Maybe it’s a place that “just feels good.”

What is it that makes you feel this way? Is it the furnishings, the people, or something else that contributes to the ENERGY of the space?

Chances are you’re in tune with the “vibes” in different locations. If so, you’re tapping into the energy of the spaces. Your body responds to the energy with different physical or emotional sensations. Some places make you feel excited, others agitated. Some make you feel relaxed, others rushed. After a while, you may gravitate more toward those places that “feel” better in your body, while avoiding those that are uncomfortable.

Now, think of your home. What kind of emotions come up when you enter your own living space? Does the energy feel supportive? Is it a place where you WANT to spend your time?

If your home energy isn’t matching what you envision for a welcome living space, it’s time for a Home Energy Refresh!

What is a Home Energy Refresh?

Diana uses Reiki, along with an optional combination of sage, essential oils, and sound to clear negative energy, then infuses your living space with intention and healing energy aligned for your highest good.

What are some signs that my home needs an energy refresh?

  • You feel unsettled, anxious, or angry for no apparent reason when entering or spending time at home

  • It's difficult to focus there

  • You're having a hard time sleeping or are experiencing nightmares

  • Spending time at home is draining, even when you seem to recharge outside of the home

  • It's difficult for you to relax when at home

  • There is a lack of inspiration, passion, or joy in the space

  • Changing energy with the seasons to align with the cycles of nature

  • You just moved into a new home and you want to make it your own

Refresh my home energy

An energy refresh addresses the concerns above and leaves your home feeling deep cleaned on an energetic level.

Schedule yours here.


Why Learn Reiki?


My path to burnout…and beyond